Mem Reduct

Mem Reduct is an excellent and reliable utility for cleaning up your system’s RAM resources. It is easy to use, effective and allows for manual or automatic cleaning when system conditions are reached. If you are regularly limited in memory, you need to try Mem Reduct.

Key Features of Mem Reduct

  • Instant clearing: All you need to do is click one button and Mem Reduct will automatically free up unused or unnecessary RAM and virtual memory entries.
  • Simple interface: Mem Reduct automatically enumerates three different types of memory: physical memory (the RAM drives connected to your motherboard), the page file (the amount of local memory currently allocated), and the system working set (the combination of physical and virtual memory)
  • Lightweight: It requires very few system resources which will not affect its performance. Plus, it’s designed to be productive, fast, and reliable.
  • Automation: Manually clearing memory regularly can be tedious. Luckily, you can configure Mem Reduct to automatically clear memory at predetermined periods or before/after a certain time.

Using Mem Reduct

Manual clearing

  1. After launch, click on Clear memory.
  2. Wait for cleanup to complete.

Automatic cleanup

  1. Once launched, click on File> Settingsto open the application settings
  2. Go to the “Clear Memory” section on the left tab.
  3. In the “Memory Management” section, check the box named “Clear” if indicated aboveand set the desired percentage threshold.
  4. Click on Close.
  5. Mem Reduct now automatically clears it when the threshold is exceeded.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mem Reduct


One of the main advantages of the program is that it only has the functions you need, which makes it easy to use. Other advantages also include:

  • Small size;
  • Intuitive interface;
  • Does not reduce system performance;
  • Ability to customize to suit your needs;
  • Does not leave entries in the registry and “garbage”.


As some users say, the program sometimes causes a blue screen. Other disadvantages:

  • Not updated for a long time;
  • Short freeze while clearing memory.

Download Mem Reduct

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